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Gather Campaigns - man in face-to-face conversation
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Human conversations. Tangible results.

In today’s world, we’re all bombarded with hundreds of messages every day, many impersonal, and far detached from a real human being. So, if you want to make an impact, meaningful face-to-face is the most reliable and effective way to be heard and make a connection. 

One-to-one conversations have the power to bring about positive change.

Gather Campaigns is built on an understanding of the power of one-to-one engagements — the empathy created, the relationships sparked, and the passion ignited to bring about positive change.


We believe that starting face-to-face conversations leads to game-changing results for our charity clients, and measurable impact for local authorities and organisations needing to share important messages.


Over 700,000 people a year in the UK give a regular gift to a charity because of a conversation had with a face-to-face fundraiser. And many thousands more have been reached with key health and social messaging. It's time to talk!

“A face-to-face conversation conveys empathy and emotion in a way nothing else — even a TV advertisement — can. It’s about coming at it from the other person’s perspective.”


— Charlotte Laurie, Royal Voluntary Service

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Unit 235, Business Design Centre,

52 Upper Street, Islington, London, N1 0QH

Tel: +44 (0) 1244 621024



Company registration number: 08595700

Registered address: Suite D2, Mercury Court, Chester West Employment Park, Chester CH1 4QR

Copyright – Gather Campaigns Ltd

Site created by Turner PR Ltd

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